Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tomatoes....and the First Dahlia Bed Blossom!

Happy Independence Day! (and to my Canadian friends...Happy Belated Canada Day!)

Well, back to the garden we go...

No update on the squashes and cucumbers...I have to wait a bit longer to see if they recover...I hate waiting!

But like I said yesterday, thank goodness I didn't spray my tomatoes!

I planted three types of tomatoes this year, four plants in all.

Two are cherry tomatoes from seed...and both of those plants are doing okay.

(this picture was taken in the beginning of June)

One of cherry tomato plants has flowers, the other...I'm still waiting...

But no tomatoes yet...

Didn't I just say I hate waiting!

I also planted two tomatoes I bought from a plant sale at the local community college...

One is a Cherokee Purple, and it has been flowering for about a month fruit though...

Until I found this last Wednesday!

A tiny baby itty-bitty tomato bud! Yeah!

The other plant I bought is a Sweet Pea Currant Tomato...and wow! It is full of flowers and tiny little tomatoes!

I noticed on Thursday, while surveying the garden damage, some of the sweet peas are starting to turn red!

And just for comparison is a fully ripe sweet pea tomato next to my finger!

They are so tiny! The description of the tomato, that convinced me to buy it, said that when the tomatoes are ripe they look like strings of red pearls all over the plant! I can't wait to see them all ripen...

There it is again, the waiting thing!

In the meantime, I guess I'll eat some more radishes!

On to the Dahlia...I planted 12 Dahlia tubers back in April, and they are all growing really nicely...lots of buds forming...

This week, one of them finally opened! So gorgeous!

This is a variety called Lucca Johanna...I love the soft pink with hints of creamy yellow!

No I just have to wait for the rest of the varieties to bloom...



  1. gorgeous dahlia! one of my facs! your veggies look soo yum!

  2. I planted some dahlia's as well.
    I heard if you pinch off the growth (in between the main fork of the plant) your tomatoes will grow bigger. The reason, the plant give the nutrients to the tomatoe instead of the new growth.
