I know you are probably sooooo tired of seeing the Foster Kitties, but I made a 12X12 layout for my personal album...based on the fantastic Month in Review layouts that Nichol Magourik does...in fact just this week she did a blog post about how she creates her photo collages in Photoshop...
Anyway, onto my version...

I'm trying to be better, not sure why, at listing my supplies...but all I can remember is that the paper is from SEI's Birdie Brunch line...
I picked a bunch of miscellaneous pictures (from the 392! that I took)...I made each picture about 1 1/4" square and printed them all on an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of photo paper.
I made my collage in Adobe InDesign...I have PhotoShop Elements, but I feel more comfortable using InDesign...personal preference, I suppose. (Or maybe it is just that I don't want to have to figure out how to do it in PSE...maybe...)

After I printed out the photo collage, I cut the page so the two top rows of pictures (the first group of fosters we had) were above the page title, and the remaining four rows (the second group of fosters) were below the page title...
So like Nichol Magourik's pages...I'm not ashamed to say I'm a scrap lifter...
Why mess with a great idea?
And here is a close-up...

Of, I'm not sure what...just pictures! LOL! My layout photography could really use some guidance!
Although I do love those two photos (towards the bottom) where where you can see George (grey tabby) start by licking Elaine's ear (tortie) and end with biting her...to funny!
Those pictures may need their own page in the Foster Mini Album...
But wait, I already marked it off of my UFO list!
This is a great way to fit so many pictures on one layout. I wish I had some computer talent:)